Step up your virtual setup

Appearing like a pro at home is tough. Discover a simple checklist that will help improve your virtual presence and boost your credibility.

Topics Covered: Virtual presentation

Doug Neff

Senior Director, Accelerator Lab™

Enable your virtual meetings run smoothly

We’ve all been there. Receiving a virtual pitch from a backlit silhouette or straining to understand the garbled audio of a co-worker.

Each of these small technical issues are “credibility crushers”—they undermine our standing with the audience, either by making us seem less competent than we are or by making it too difficult for them to hear the core of our message.

The good news? You don’t need a glam squad or a ton of time to show up with credibility. If you systematically think through your virtual communication setup and apply some quick fixes, your tech will enable your message, not distract from it.

In this on-demand webinar, we share ways to systematically think through your virtual communication setup and apply quick fixes.

You’ll learn to:

  • Be naturally front-lit
  • Use the right microphone
  • Mind your angle
  • Check your speed and combat slow connections

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